Posts Tagged 'piano'

Journals: I’m following the topic list here

I’m starting this a couple of days late so here we go with
the first three prompts! (In three separate posts, I think. This one got longish.)

June 1: A step you have taken toward your goals

Pictured: Goals, on
the right. Steps, on the left.

A few weeks ago a lady at church mentioned a friend who was
moving and looking to sell a piano. Now my mother is a pianist (our church
pianist, as pastor’s wives often are) so I grew up with a piano in the home to
play with (and Mom was surprisingly tolerant about young hands pounding out
tuneless cacophony on her precious keys, as long as said hands weren’t sticky).
My sister and I had piano lessons for a while as kids, but then in middle
school we got to pick band instruments and I pursued the flute without much
time devoted to practicing piano any more. I played the flute in marching/pep/concert
band all through college as well as my last two years of high school and I
still play it in the church worship team. But when this lady asked us to spread
the word about the piano, I felt the itch to start playing again (and it was
going surprisingly cheap for what has turned out to be a decent piano even
though I still need to get it tuned after having it moved to my apartment).

Long story short, since I think I just spoiled the ending in
the parentheses anyway, we bought the piano and now it lives in my living room.
But it has been years since I practiced so at first I would sit down and just
sort of randomly hit keys and attempt to remember chords, with much less
cacophony than young me, but also without much actual music resulting. I went
online looking for sheet music to practice with and ended up with the Dragon
Age Inquisition theme (excellent goal, right?), which turned out to be a bit beyond me at this point. (In short:
I play flute so I read the treble staff quite well thank you, but what is this
bass staff thing again? what note is on what line? wow I need a refresher for
the left hand half of this thing.) So that’s the goal; the step I’ve taken is
the decades-old lesson book on the left of the picture. Mom dug out some of her
old books for me; I bypassed the kids’ books we’d actually used for piano
lessons and picked out this book that Dad intended to learn from, back when they
were fresh out of Bible college, pastoring their first church, poor as church
mice, and had just bought an old upright for Mom to practice on. (Fun story: It
was in the basement of an old store or something and Dad needed help moving it
up the stairs. The only people he could find that time of day were the dudes
hanging out in the local tavern so he rounded up a bunch of them to carry this
piano with him, and then one of them lost hold and the piano went twanging down
the stairs again…) I don’t think Dad ever actually used the book, but the
chords I once knew are coming back to me pretty well as I work through it, so.


This looks quite complicated to play on piano! But then it’s years since I did any piano playing…sounds amazing, anyway!


Another beautiful cover of the Hawke Family theme, piano this time!

Blogger Gatherings!

Click the button for reports from the 2010 Spring Blogger Gathering, hosted by Linett of Nimrodel!

Berethron of Brandywine hosted the 2010 Summer Blogmoot.

The Winter Blogmoot was held on December 4, 9 p.m. EST at the home of Telwen of Silverlode.

Next up: The Spring Blogmoot of 2011 shall return to Nimrodel with Tuiliel (Whart, aka user-1027520) hosting! Linett is looking forward to another local moot!



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